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Message: “Dead Dead” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday Pastor Dave will move us into the next section of our study in Ephesians. We will be looking at the powerful message Paul pens from his prison, Ephesians 2:1-10. In these ten verses, Paul describes the terrible spiritual condition of the unsaved person, “dead in the trespasses and sin.” But then because of God’s mercy and grace we are saved, and the graveclothes are removed!
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Message: “The Supremacy of Christ” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday Pastor Dave will teach from Ephesians 1 at least one more week. Please take time to read verses 15-23. As we come to the close of chapter 1 and Paul’s prayer of Thanksgiving and Petition, meditate on this wonderful passage on the Supremacy of Christ, giving special attention to verses 20-23.
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Message: “Resurrection Power” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." Brothers and sisters in Christ rejoice! We serve a Risen Savior! This Easter Sunday, we look forward to celebrating together with you and any of those that you have invited. In the message, we will talk about “resurrection power!”. Keeping with the section of our current study in Ephesians 1:15-23, we will also look at the account of Jesus resurrection, appearance, and ascension to be seated at the right hand of the Father in Luke 24. Pastor Dave asks that you will spend time this week reading and rejoicing over these sections of scripture in preparation for “Resurrection Sunday”.
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Message: “Paul’s Prayer for the Church of Colossae” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday, Pastor Dave will continue to teach in Ephesians 1:15-23. We will also look at the prayer Paul had for the church of Colossae in Colossians 1:3-14. Take note of his love for both churches and the similar petitions he put forth for both. Please read both sections of scripture this week in preparation for the message Palm Sunday.
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Message: “Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesian Christians” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday we will move forward in our study by looking at Ephesians 1:15-23. Pastor Dave will begin with an overview of Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian Christians. As you read and prepare, notice that Paul was not praying for material things, but that God would reveal the riches, we already have in Him. Set aside some time this week to read and study this portion of God’s word.
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Message: “The Spirit of Adoption” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Ephesians." Pastor Chris will be preaching the last message of this amazing series on Ephesians 1:1-14 (Paul’s doxology). We will use as our supporting scripture Romans 8:9-17. In these verses, we will look at what has been called the Spirit’s highest name, the “Spirit of Adoption.” In God’s wisdom, He has given us the gift of earthly adoption to shine a spotlight on how He called you into His family and made you, His forever! Take some time this week to study this passage as a way to put an exclamation point on our deep dive into Ephesians 1.
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Message: “The Sealing of the Believer” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." With Pastor Dave teaching we will spend at least two more Sundays in Ephesians 1:3-14 (Paul’s doxology). Our focus this week will be verses 13-14. We will look at the role of the Holy Spirit and the sealing of the believer. Our supporting scripture is Romans 8:31-39 where we are given assurance highlighting the preserving work of the Spirit. Please take time this week reading and meditating upon the important message of this scripture.
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Message: “Our Union with Christ” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." As we, with Pastor Dave’s teaching, continue to explore Ephesians 1:3-14, please read this Sunday’s supporting scripture. Turn in your Bible to John 15:1-7. Having examined our blessed relationship “in Christ” this past Sunday, we now go deeper into one of the most glorious and misunderstood doctrines of scripture, our “Union with Christ”. Take time this week by reading one of Jesus' “I Am” teachings: The Vine and the Branches.
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Message: “Our Identity in Christ” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." For the next two Sunday’s, we will continue our study with Pastor Dave in Ephesians 1:3-14. To prepare, please read Romans 5:12-21 which is attached for you. Our focus will be on our “Identity in Christ". We will explore the repeated phrase “in Christ”, helping us gain valuable perspective on our new life “In Christ”. Please take some special time this week preparing for God’s Word on Sunday.
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