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Message: “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Lord teach us to Pray." This coming Sunday Pastor Chris will kick off a summer series centered around some of the most profound prayers in God’s word. The Bible is pregnant with the prayers of both saints and sinners. It gives us a rich record of how image bearers have turned to God in moments of triumph, suffering, repentance, and joy. When the disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray”, he famously introduced them to the Lord’s Prayer. Yet the Bible has an abundant supply of men and women modeling spirit-led prayer for us in addition to Jesus’s direct teaching. We begin with a famous prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. Interestingly, Paul literally prays for riches and power in this passage. But this prayer is no self-centered request of God! This is the heart cry of a man who wanted to take his flock in Ephesus to deeper waters in Christ. Meditate this week on the depths of Paul’s sacred conversation with the Father and join us as we go deeper into the mystery revealed to us as New Covenant saints!
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Message: “The Mystery of the Gospel” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This past Sunday Pastor Dave introduced us to Ephesians 3:1-13 focusing on verse 1. Now we will continue to explore and learn what this section of scripture has in store for us. Keep in mind as you study that Paul a prisoner of Christ knew that he had been given the stewardship to reveal the “mystery”. The “mystery” revealed that both Jew and Gentile alike would be fellow-heirs sharing the unsearchable riches of Christ. Take some quiet time this week reading and preparing for the message on Sunday.
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Message: “Paul, A Prisoner of Christ Jesus” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday Pastor Dave will move us into the study of another amazing portion of God’s word, Ephesians 3:1-13. As all these messages have been, this is going to be another good one. In this we will see the humility in which Paul has accepted the ministry of the great "Reveal". Through the power of the spirit, Paul will share the mystery that gentiles will be included as fellow heirs of Christ, members of one body! A message that is so precious to all of us.
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Message: “One in Christ” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday we will again be discovering the riches found in Ephesians 2:11-22. As a follow-up to the wonderful message Pastor Chris brought forth last Sunday, Pastor Dave will have us take a deeper look at some of the foundational truths found in this important passage. Take some precious time this week to meditate on all the ways Paul describes the riches of our union in Christ, that we are one in Christ.
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Message: “Family Portrait” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday Pastor Chris will begin a two-part series on Ephesians 2:11-22. In these verses, Paul asks us to work out one of the first implications of the grand passage of Ephesians 2:1-10 that we’ve been studying. In short, Jesus himself is our peace. To remind yourself of how this must have sounded to a 1st century Jew, take some time to read the four brief chapters of the book of Jonah. Jesus came to abolish that dividing wall that separated the Gentiles from the Jews in the past and to this day! Set aside some quiet time this week to prepare yourself for the Sunday message from God’s word by reading and praying over the attached scripture.
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Message: “Saved for Good Works” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday Pastor Dave will have us in Ephesians 2:1-10 at least one more time. His emphasis and our focus will be on verses 9-10 and that we are saved for “good works”. Yes, we are saved by Grace through faith in Christ alone, but our works give evidence of our saving faith. As you study this week, ask these questions: Is God doing a “good work” in you? Out of your faith are “good works” coming forth to glorify God?
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Message: “Faith Alone” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday Pastor Dave will continue to expose the riches of God’s message in Ephesians 2:1-10. What an amazing series this has been so far. This past Sunday, we moved into the “alive-alive” section. The transition came in the beginning of verse 4, “But God”. Then in verses 4-7, God demonstrated His character. The words describing His character piled up, “mercy” “love” “grace” “kindness.” Proving that it is all God’s doing. Join us Sunday as we continue to be blessed by the message of God’s “grace” and “mercy” in Ephesians 2:1-10.
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Message: “Saved by Grace” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday we will continue with our study in Ephesians 2:1-10. As you continue to absorb the message in this amazing discourse from Paul, keep in mind some of the things Pastor Dave left us with last Sunday. In these ten verses we are described as believers of having been in a “radical condition", being “dead-dead". But then in these same ten verses, we are given a “radical answer” as to how God has made us alive in Christ! As you read and study “look at how God makes us alive".
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Message: “Saved From What?” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday Pastor Dave will continue with our study in Ephesians 2:1-10. As you pour over this rich section of God’s word, keep in mind the wonder of the dead made alive. Only made possible by God’s mercy and grace. Think about it. In His mercy, He does not give us what we do deserve, and in His grace, He gives us what we do not deserve.
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