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Message: “A Worthy Walk – Part 2” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday we will return to our study in Ephesians 4:1-6. Please, continue to meditate and pull out the meaning of this portion of God’s word. Keeping in mind that unity is built on the truth of the word. In the message, we will look at the “worthy walk” part 2 and see that the worthy walk is a Christlike Walk.
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Message: “Believers Baptism” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Baptism Sunday." This Sunday will be a church service you won’t want to miss. We will celebrate the victory of salvation by being part of a “Baptism Sunday” celebration. The centerpiece of our worship will be in the baptism of ten young people and one adult! The message of our service will be primarily in the testimonies you will hear of the miracle of heart transformations that have taken place. Pastor Dave will close with a short message of his own from the attached scripture Matthew 28:16-20.
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Message: “A Worthy Walk – Part 1” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday we will return to our study in Ephesians. This amazing journey through scripture will begin by turning to Ephesians 4:1-6 and continue through chapter 6 as Paul unfolds the “Worthy Walk”. For your reading, this week the focus should be on verse 1. As Paul sits in chains, a prisoner of Rome, feel his love as he reaches out to the body of believers in Ephesus.
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Message: “Living Sacrifices” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Unity in the Church." This Sunday Pastor Dave will take us to Romans 12. Please read chapter 12 in its entirety with a focus on verses 1 & 2. In your study, think about how we as believers are to present ourselves as “living sacrifices”. To honor our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the price He paid for us, we have a commitment to yield our body, mind, and will to allow God to work through us. Take some quiet time this week reading and praying over this important chapter in God’s word.
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Message: “Laborers in the Vineyard” from Zachary Royce

A message from the series "Unity in the Church." On Sunday we will turn to Matthew 20:1-16 “Laborers in the Vineyard” for our message. In this parable, Jesus was addressing the motive for service. What is the “right attitude”? When God sees our heart, does He see a humble gratitude for His generosity or that of a prideful complaining servant? Take some special time this week reading and praying over this parable examining what our Lord might see in your heart.
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Message: “That We May Be One” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Unity in the Church." As we start a new ministry year this Sunday, Pastor Dave will bring us back to John 17, focusing on verses 20-26. We will look at what was at the center of Christ’s mind for the church as he approached the cross, namely that they would be one. Please take time this week to read and pray over this portion of scripture keeping in mind the message of “unity”.
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Message: “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lord teach us to Pray." This Sunday, the last prayer in our “Sacred Conversations” series, will be Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer in John 17. In this snapshot of time, we see Jesus offers intercessory prayers on our behalf. As you read and pray over this scripture, be thankful that with the cross looming before Him, Jesus poured His heart out to the Father on behalf of His people.
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Message: “Jesus’ Prayer of Agony” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lord teach us to Pray." This Sunday Pastor Dave will open to us message #9 in the series “Sacred Conversations”. We will be looking at Matthew 26:36-46, Jesus’ prayer at Gethsemane. A place that was important to God’s plan of redemption. Jesus, who knew no sin, yielding to the will of the Father was facing the moment where He would stand in the place of guilty sinners.
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Message: “The Prayer of a Miserable Man” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Lord teach us to Pray." This Sunday, Pastor Chris will teach on the next prayer selection in the “Sacred Conversations” series, Jonah 2. Jonah, in his disobedience, wound up in the most dire of situations. In the depths of his trial, Jonah cried out to the Lord in repentant prayer. God, who does not forsake His own, heard and answered. As you read and pray over this scripture be thankful that our Lord calls us into obedience through trials.
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Message: “Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lord teach us to Pray." On Sunday Pastor Dave will continue with the message series “Sacred Conversations”. We will be looking at the beautiful Psalm 107. A psalm of thanksgiving and praise. As you read and study, please take note of the four wonderful pictures praising God for his deliverance. “His steadfast love will endure forever!”
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