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Message: “Walking in Love” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday, we will continue looking at Ephesians 5:1-20 with our focus verses being 1-6. The theme of these verses is “walking in love” fundamental to our Christian life. Also keep in mind that if you are “walking worthy” in the Lord that your walk will imitate the Father’s love for us and have nothing to do with the darkness of sin. Please set aside some quiet time this week to pray and meditate on this section of scripture.
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Message: “Christ and His Church” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday, Pastor Dave will return to our study in Ephesians. If you remember, our theme has been what it is like to have a “worthy walk”. Please read the chosen scripture of Ephesians 4:25-5:2 in your bible. The focus verses will be Ephesians 5:1-2. Please set aside some quiet time this week to pray and meditate on this section of scripture.
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Message: “For the Grace of God has Appeared” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Standalone." his Sunday as a transition, we will open our bibles to Titus 2:1-15, then the plan is to return to our study in Ephesians 5 on the 12th. The focus verses in our reading will be 11-14. Pastor Dave will speak on “For the Grace of God has appeared” and how that changes everything in the lives of His followers and the life of His church – how we live and how we wait. Let us refresh our understanding of God’s vision for PHBC and be challenged to come out of this wonderful season with great joy and a sense of urgency for the “salvation of all people”. The Grace of God transforms us!
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Message: “The Wise Men” from Bill Heidel

A message from the series "2024 Christmas Celebration." Merry Christmas! “Joy to the world our Lord has come!” This coming Sunday of Christmas week, we will take our final look at the “Through the Eyes” series. The message this week will focus on the Magi otherwise known as the “wise men from the East”. Have you ever considered the extraordinary journey of the Magi – Gentiles who sought Christ with unwavering faith, worshiped Him with sacrificial gifts, and submitted to His divine kingship. The message in this unveils the powerful lessons their story holds for those who long to seek, sacrifice, and submit to the true King this Christmas.
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Message: “The Mind and Heart of Joseph” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "2024 Christmas Celebration." Our next glimpse of “Through the Eyes” will look at the mind and heart of Joseph as he is confused and then enlightened. This past Sunday, we looked through the eyes of Herod and saw an evil man loving his power but also troubled and paranoid. What a contrast we will see this Sunday. Have you ever thought what it would be like for a young man planning a life with his eyes on his betrothed only to hear whispers that she had not been faithful? Imagine your reaction if an angel appeared to you in a dream saying that God had entrusted you to raise his Son and shift the course of history.
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Message: “Kings, Kingdoms, and the Glory of God” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "2024 Christmas Celebration." On Sunday, we will continue in our Christmas message series “Through the Eyes”. Last Sunday, Pastor Chris gave us a glimpse of what it must have been like for Mary and the Angel Gabriel. Now we will look at the insecurity and pride of Herod that motivated his decisions. Have you ever considered the pride and paranoia of a king whose legacy would be threatened by a tiny baby? Did he know that this baby’s Father had promised that all his son’s enemies would one day be his footstool? Imagine the fear of losing everything you’ve built and the lengths you would be tempted to keep them in your grasp.
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Message: “Through Their Eyes” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "2024 Christmas Celebration." This Sunday we will kick off our Christmas celebration! Pastor Dave and Pastor Chris will take us on a 5-week journey in scripture, a Christmas Theme: “Through the Eyes”. We will begin in Luke 1 by taking time to think about and understand the wonder of the nativity through the eyes of the angel Gabriel and Mary. Imagine Gabriel being chosen by God to break the news to the world that the Savior’s time had come? For Mary, imagine the fear and wonder of a young teenage girl as she internalized that she would give birth to the Messiah her people had been longing for since the Garden? What kind of faith does it take to humbly respond, “let it be to me according to your word”. What steps of trust in God’s loving providence is the Spirit asking you to take this Christmas Season? Our scripture for this look into the eyes of Gabriel and Mary is Luke 1:26-38.
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Message: “Forgive One Another” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." Sunday we will close our study of Ephesians 4 by focusing on verse 32. To prepare yourself for the message please reflect back to Matthew 6:9-15, the “Lord’s Prayer”. The emphasis will be on Christ-Like kindness and forgiveness. Is our attitude truly reflective of the grace God has given us? If we have experienced God’s kindness and forgiveness, then we should have a readiness to forgive others. Please take some quiet time this week to read and pray over this scripture.
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