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Message: “Real Change – Part 2” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." Last Sunday Pastor Dave focused on verses 17-24 in Ephesians 4. We discussed our walk in “newness of life”, “to put off our old self and put on the new self”. When this happens a change occurs, and in verses 25-32 Paul gives us application in our conversion. The message on Sunday will be Part 2 of “Real Change”. Paul is getting into the very practical aspects of what it means to be a new creation. Please take time this week to meditate on these verses. Self-evaluate in prayer how you are maturing in Christ in relation to this teaching.
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Message: “Real Change – Part 1” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday, we will return to our study in Ephesians 4. Please focus on verses 17-24 but also continue to read to verse 32. The message will continue our theme of the “Worthy Walk”. I love how Warren Wiersbe puts it when discussing our walk “in newness of life”, he states that in our conversion we “take off the grave clothes and put on the grace-clothes!” Keep in mind as you read this section that in our salvation transformation the process of a changed life begins.
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Message: “God will not forsake His own” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Standalone." Over the last few weeks in our study of Ephesians, we have focused on how to live a fruitful life characterized by growing in maturity and Christlikeness. We’ve examined what it means to have unity among a diversely gifted body of Christ followers, and we’ve looked at God’s vision for His church. This Sunday, while we will divert from Ephesians to Psalm 37, we will continue to unpack the foundational principles that guide the church corporately, and believers individually, as we navigate difficult seasons. As sojourners in a foreign land, we are rightly concerned about the future of this country and, more importantly, our Biblical responsibility to live as salt and light. The scripture has good news for our weary souls - words of comfort and direction for us. God will not forsake His people!
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Message: “God’s Vision for His Church” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday we will continue to look at Ephesians 4:7-16. Our focus verses will be 11-16. Pastor Dave will be discussing what God’s word has to say in regard to “Equipping and Growing” the church. As a body of believers, we strive to mature in our faith. We work to accomplish this by growing together, ministering to each other, and thereby experiencing spiritual unity. Pastor Dave will also give a very practical application to this passage, engaging the culture we live in. Please, set aside a portion of your time this week to study and pray over this section of scripture.
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Message: “A Worthy Walk – Part 2” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday we will return to our study in Ephesians 4:1-6. Please, continue to meditate and pull out the meaning of this portion of God’s word. Keeping in mind that unity is built on the truth of the word. In the message, we will look at the “worthy walk” part 2 and see that the worthy walk is a Christlike Walk.
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Message: “Believers Baptism” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Baptism Sunday." This Sunday will be a church service you won’t want to miss. We will celebrate the victory of salvation by being part of a “Baptism Sunday” celebration. The centerpiece of our worship will be in the baptism of ten young people and one adult! The message of our service will be primarily in the testimonies you will hear of the miracle of heart transformations that have taken place. Pastor Dave will close with a short message of his own from the attached scripture Matthew 28:16-20.
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Message: “A Worthy Walk – Part 1” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday we will return to our study in Ephesians. This amazing journey through scripture will begin by turning to Ephesians 4:1-6 and continue through chapter 6 as Paul unfolds the “Worthy Walk”. For your reading, this week the focus should be on verse 1. As Paul sits in chains, a prisoner of Rome, feel his love as he reaches out to the body of believers in Ephesus.
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Message: “Living Sacrifices” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Unity in the Church." This Sunday Pastor Dave will take us to Romans 12. Please read chapter 12 in its entirety with a focus on verses 1 & 2. In your study, think about how we as believers are to present ourselves as “living sacrifices”. To honor our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the price He paid for us, we have a commitment to yield our body, mind, and will to allow God to work through us. Take some quiet time this week reading and praying over this important chapter in God’s word.
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Message: “Laborers in the Vineyard” from Zachary Royce

A message from the series "Unity in the Church." On Sunday we will turn to Matthew 20:1-16 “Laborers in the Vineyard” for our message. In this parable, Jesus was addressing the motive for service. What is the “right attitude”? When God sees our heart, does He see a humble gratitude for His generosity or that of a prideful complaining servant? Take some special time this week reading and praying over this parable examining what our Lord might see in your heart.
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