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Message: “Thanksgiving Eve Service” from Chris Harding

Dave Moyer - October 27, 2024

God will not forsake His own


Over the last few weeks in our study of Ephesians, we have focused on how to live a fruitful life characterized by growing in maturity and Christlikeness. We’ve examined what it means to have unity among a diversely gifted body of Christ followers, and we’ve looked at God’s vision for His church. This Sunday, while we will divert from Ephesians to Psalm 37, we will continue to unpack the foundational principles that guide the church corporately, and believers individually, as we navigate difficult seasons. As sojourners in a foreign land, we are rightly concerned about the future of this country and, more importantly, our Biblical responsibility to live as salt and light. The scripture has good news for our weary souls - words of comfort and direction for us. God will not forsake His people!

Scripture References: Psalms 37:1-40

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