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Message: “Mary, Your Baby is Your Savior” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Advent Celebration 2023." Pastor Dave will lead us in week #3 of our Advent series on Sunday. In your Advent book this week’s title is “Mary, Your Baby is Your Savior”. Can you Imagine the joy in Mary’s heart when the angel Gabriel came to her and she heard that she had been favored to give birth to the Messiah. What a beautiful humble response she gave in Luke 1:38, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” A Savior to be born to take away the sin of the world! Please read and pray over the attached scripture. You will be blessed.
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Message: “Mary, Your Baby will Judge the Nations” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Advent Celebration 2023." This is week #2 in our Advent series. Be sure to read “Mary Your Baby Will Judge the Nations” in your advent booklet. Jesus is the “Judge of the Nations”! As it is said in our reading the baby in Mary’s lap is the Judge of the “living and the dead”. Our scripture for Sunday’s message will be Acts 10:34-43. As we focus on our celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, please be sure to make time to have quiet prayer over this reading and scripture.
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Message: “Mary, Your Baby is a Warrior” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Advent Celebration 2023." This week kicks off our Advent celebration, pointing to 5 of the titles that the baby in the manger would fulfill as he grew. We ask that our people begin reading the opening pages of the Advent devotional, setting the stage for our first look at the Christ child from an unexpected perspective. In this first week, we wonder out loud - Mary, did you know that your baby is a warrior? We will spend much time Sunday morning gaining insight from the beloved but often misapplied story of David and Goliath in 1 Sam 17. Please read the entire chapter to refamiliarize yourself with one of the most exciting accounts in the entire Scriptures.
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Message: “An Undefeatable Kingdom” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lessons From the Life of Daniel." On Sunday Pastor Dave will teach lesson #5 in the Daniel series. This message will prepare us for the upcoming Advent series “What Child is This?”. As you read our focus scripture Daniel 7:9-14, realize that this prophecy describes an “Undefeatable Kingdom”. Please take some special time this week to read and pray over this section of God’s word. Beautiful insights given to us through Daniel.
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Message: “Daniel’s Prayer” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lessons From the Life of Daniel." This Sunday Pastor Dave will continue with message #4 in our Daniel series. We will be looking at Daniel 9:1-19. Daniel has remained faithful to immerse himself in the reading of God’s word. He discovers as he reads the writings from the prophet Jeremiah that the exile in Babylon will end after 70 years. With this knowledge Daniel prepares for and enters into a time of prayer, making a plea to God for mercy on behalf of himself and all of Israel. Take some precious time this week to quietly read and study Daniel 9 verses 1-19 preparing for the message.
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Message: “Daniel’s Unwavering Trust” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lessons From the Life of Daniel." Pastor Dave asks that we focus our study this week on Psalm 137. He will continue with message #3 in the series: Lessons from the Life of Daniel. His message this week will look at Daniel’s Unwavering Trust! As we learned last Sunday, Daniel had an uncompromising commitment to his faith and God. In many ways this came from his unwavering trust in God. Take some precious time this week to quietly read and study this Psalm reviewing the notes you have from the past two weeks of this series.
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Message: “Daniel’s “Uncompromising Commitment” to the Lord” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lessons From the Life of Daniel." On Sunday Pastor Dave will continue teaching in Daniel 1 with the focus being on verses 8-21. Last Sunday served as the foundational message on the “Unstoppable Providence" of God. Now we will look at a second lesson from Daniel’s life – his “Uncompromising Commitment” to the Lord. Take note as you read this section how Daniel is a “transformer” and not a “conformer”, and how he remains gracious to those in authority. Take some special time this week to read and pray over this piece of God’s Word.
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Message: “Daniel – The “Unstoppable Providence of God” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Lessons From the Life of Daniel." This Sunday Pastor Dave will begin a series in the book of Daniel. At a time when the Jewish nation was being judged and sent to a 70-year exile to Babylon, God in His sovereignty had a plan. A piece of that plan was to send a 15-year-old young man Daniel to that land. Daniel spent his entire life exhibiting the mighty power of his God to the greatest kings and kingdoms of the world. Join with us as we begin this series by reading and studying Daniel 1:1-21. May God bless your time in the word.
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Message: “?” from Dave Moyer

This Sunday Pastor Dave will begin a series in the book of Daniel. At a time when the Jewish nation was being judged and sent to a 70-year exile to Babylon, God in His sovereignty had a plan. A piece of that plan was to send a 15-year-old young man Daniel to that land. Daniel spent his entire life exhibiting the mighty power of his God to the greatest kings and kingdoms of the world. Join with us as we begin this series by reading and studying Daniel 1:1-21. May God bless your time in the word.
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