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Message: “How should we interact with those who disagree with our worldview?” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Ask the Pastors." Join us this Sunday as we continue our “Ask the Pastors” series. Pastor Chris will bring a biblical response to the question – “How should we interact with those who disagree with our worldview?” Questions of sexuality, gender roles, the authority of Scripture, the sanctity of life?...Hit people upside their heads with the Bible? Adopt a live and let live way of thinking? I know ’He Would Love First’…then what would He say or do? Dive into the following passages and ask the Holy Spirit to begin to show you a biblical way to respond to a world that so often seems determined to turn truth upside down! John 1:14-18, John 4:31-38, Col 4:5-6, 1 Peter 3:13-17
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Message: “What are God’s purposes in suffering?” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ask the Pastors." On Sunday, Pastor Dave will speak to question #6 in the message series “Ask the Pastors”. The question this week, “What are God’s purposes in suffering?” In our fallen world there will be suffering. For believers, suffering is going to be part of our lives. It may be physical, emotional, or suffering in persecution. In time of suffering, what do we do, how do we respond? Please take some time this week to read and pray over Psalm 77, preparing your heart for the message on Sunday.
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Message: “What is Deconstruction?” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ask the Pastors." This coming Sunday Pastor Dave will speak on Question #5 in the series “Ask the Pastors.” The topic will be “Deconstruction.” In evangelical circles someone might say that they are “deconstructing their faith.” An individual who is questioning their faith and beliefs, even to the point of leaving the Christian Faith. Pastor Dave has asked that we focus on John 6:60-71, but also read John 6 in its entirety. Please take some time this week to read and study over these sections of scripture, preparing your heart for this important message on Sunday.
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Message: “How Do We Live in Light of the Promise of Heaven?” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ask the Pastors." Question #4 in our six-week series is, “How Do We Live in Light of the Promise of Heaven?” To answer this question, Pastor Dave will have us turn to Colossians 3:1-11. In these verses, Paul gives instruction to Christian living and how we are to “put on the new self.” To prepare for what we are to hear on Sunday please take some time this week to read and study over this section of scripture.
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Message: “What Will Heaven Be Like?” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ask the Pastors." On Sunday, Pastor Dave will continue with question #3 in his six-week series “ask the pastors.” The question is one that some asked about “Heaven as it relates to End Times?” To prepare, Pastor Dave would like for us to read Revelation 21:1-4 & 22:1-5. To prepare your heart for what we are to hear on Sunday, please take some quiet time this week to read and study over this section of scripture.
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Message: “What is Our Inheritance?” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ask the Pastors." This Sunday, Pastor Dave will continue with question #2 in his six-week “Ask the Pastors” series. The question “What is Our Inheritance?” will be the message topic. To prepare, Pastor Dave would like for us to read 1 Peter 1:3-12. Please make some quiet time this week to open your bible to study and pray over this section of scripture.
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Message: “What Does it Mean to Pray Without Ceasing?” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ask the Pastors." On Sunday, Pastor Dave will present the first sermon of his six- week series “Ask the Pastors.” The question that we will look at will be “what does it mean to pray without ceasing.” To prepare, Pastor Dave has asked that each of us should read the entirety of Psalm 86. A psalm where David calls out to God in a prayer of faithfulness and humility.
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Message: “We Can Rest but We Can’t Coast” from Mark Thayer

A message from the series "We Can Rest but We Can\'t Coast." This coming Sunday we will be looking at one of the most impactful sections of scripture in God’s word, Matthew 7:21-27. The four words that none should ever want to hear the day they stand before the Lord, “I never knew you.” Is your foundation in Christ, a foundation being built by truly knowing Him and being known by Him? Take some precious quiet time this week preparing your heart by reading and studying this section of scripture. You will be blessed.
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Message: “1Thessalonians 4:13-18” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "1 Thessalonians." On Sunday, Pastor Chris will open to us one of the most exciting sections of scripture in all the New Testament, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18! In these verses, Paul shares what God revealed to him about the glorious return of our Lord. We will be answering one of life’s most important questions…what happens to the redeemed when we die?
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Message: “A Walk That Pleases God (Part 2)” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "1 Thessalonians." This Sunday Pastor Dave will continue with Part 2 in this series “A life that is pleasing to God”. The three essentials being: A Growing Walk, A Holy Walk, A Careful Walk. All of which are as relevant in our lives today as they were to the believers at that time. The focus on Sunday will be on verses 9-12 in 1 Thessalonians 4. Take some quiet time this week to read and pray over this section of scripture in light of where your “walk” is with the Lord.
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