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Message: “The Spirit of Adoption” from Chris Harding

A message from the series "Ephesians." Pastor Chris will be preaching the last message of this amazing series on Ephesians 1:1-14 (Paul’s doxology). We will use as our supporting scripture Romans 8:9-17. In these verses, we will look at what has been called the Spirit’s highest name, the “Spirit of Adoption.” In God’s wisdom, He has given us the gift of earthly adoption to shine a spotlight on how He called you into His family and made you, His forever! Take some time this week to study this passage as a way to put an exclamation point on our deep dive into Ephesians 1.
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Message: “The Sealing of the Believer” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." With Pastor Dave teaching we will spend at least two more Sundays in Ephesians 1:3-14 (Paul’s doxology). Our focus this week will be verses 13-14. We will look at the role of the Holy Spirit and the sealing of the believer. Our supporting scripture is Romans 8:31-39 where we are given assurance highlighting the preserving work of the Spirit. Please take time this week reading and meditating upon the important message of this scripture.
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Message: “Our Union with Christ” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." As we, with Pastor Dave’s teaching, continue to explore Ephesians 1:3-14, please read this Sunday’s supporting scripture. Turn in your Bible to John 15:1-7. Having examined our blessed relationship “in Christ” this past Sunday, we now go deeper into one of the most glorious and misunderstood doctrines of scripture, our “Union with Christ”. Take time this week by reading one of Jesus' “I Am” teachings: The Vine and the Branches.
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Message: “Our Identity in Christ” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." For the next two Sunday’s, we will continue our study with Pastor Dave in Ephesians 1:3-14. To prepare, please read Romans 5:12-21 which is attached for you. Our focus will be on our “Identity in Christ". We will explore the repeated phrase “in Christ”, helping us gain valuable perspective on our new life “In Christ”. Please take some special time this week preparing for God’s Word on Sunday.
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Message: “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday we will continue our journey with Pastor Dave teaching in Ephesians 1. This message will be Part 2 of “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”. We’ll continue our look at Paul’s wonderful opening doxology, highlighting the special work of each member of the Trinity in God’s eternal purposes to redeem a people for Himself. Our focus scripture will still be verses 3-14 but please read and study through verse 23 this week in preparation. May you be blessed by this time in the Word.
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Message: “Believers Riches ” from Ed Barnett

A message from the series "Ephesians." This Sunday we will be opening our bibles to Ephesians 1:1-14 with our focus verses being 1-3. In these verses, Paul extends his greeting and mentions the wealth of blessing we have in Christ. We will discuss the “Believers Riches”. How understanding the glorious riches God bestows on us and how those riches impact our daily lives. In your preparation this week, please read verses 1-14 praying for God to give you insight and blessing.
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Message: “Ephesians Introductory Overview” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Ephesians." On Sunday Pastor Dave plans to begin our series of messages in Ephesians. His message will be an introductory overview to prepare us for riches of scripture that will pour out from this letter. Our focus text will actually be in Acts 20 verses 17-31. Please read and study this beautiful section of scripture. Paul has invested 3 years of his ministry in Ephesus and now is about to embark on his journey to Jerusalem which eventually takes him to Rome. In his love for the church Paul gathers the elders to say farewell, encouraging, and warning them.
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Message: “Fresh Vision Part 2” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Fresh Vision." This Sunday Pastor Dave will continue to share what the Lord has put on his heart. Last week we looked at Psalm 115, and were encouraged by God’s faithfulness to us by knowing the certainty of His purposes and by a focus on His glory. Now we will look at Psalm 51, once again asking the Lord to set the tone for His church at Perry Hall, and for each of us individually as we enter this new year of opportunity.
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Message: “Fresh Vision” from Dave Moyer

A message from the series "Fresh Vision." For the next two weeks, Pastor Dave will share messages designed to both encourage and challenge us as we begin a new year. In preparation, please read and meditate on Psalm 115 and be in prayer for Pastor Dave as he prepares to share what the Lord has put on his heart.
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Message: “Christian Freedom in Christly Relation” from Bill Heidel

A message from the series "Standalone." Let’s celebrate the coming of the New Year Sunday by worshipping together! Deacon Bill Heidel will close out 2023 by taking us to Galatians 5:1-14. His message is titled “Christian Freedom in Christly Relation”. In these verses Paul teaches that we are justified through grace by faith in Christ and not by the bondage of the law. We encourage you to read and pray over this section of scripture this week in preparation for what Deacon Bill will bring forth to us on Sunday.
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