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Message: “The Wise Men” from Bill Heidel

Chris Harding - December 1, 2024

Through Their Eyes

2024 Christmas Celebration

This Sunday we will kick off our Christmas celebration! Pastor Dave and Pastor Chris will take us on a 5-week journey in scripture, a Christmas Theme: “Through the Eyes”. We will begin in Luke 1 by taking time to think about and understand the wonder of the nativity through the eyes of the angel Gabriel and Mary. Imagine Gabriel being chosen by God to break the news to the world that the Savior’s time had come? For Mary, imagine the fear and wonder of a young teenage girl as she internalized that she would give birth to the Messiah her people had been longing for since the Garden? What kind of faith does it take to humbly respond, “let it be to me according to your word”. What steps of trust in God’s loving providence is the Spirit asking you to take this Christmas Season? Our scripture for this look into the eyes of Gabriel and Mary is Luke 1:26-38.

Scripture References: Luke 1:26-38

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