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Adventure Camp

August 4th-8th, 6:00-8:00pm

It’s time for Adventure Camp 2025!

We are so excited to have fun with your kids this summer. Adventure Camp is a special week set aside each summer to spend quality time with some of the littlest members of our church family. Our prayer is that through laughter, play, and conversation we will be able to come alongside kids as they work on a growing relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Adventure Camp is Monday, August 4th- Friday, August 8th from 6:00-8:00pm.

This camp is for PK4 to rising 6th graders.

On Monday, please plan to arrive at 5:45pm so your kids can get their t-shirt, which should be worn every evening, and join their team. Parents should arrive at 7:45pm Monday-Thursday for pick up.

Each evening, we will begin with an opening session that begins promptly at 6:00pm. The kids will then travel through stations of  teaching, games, crafts or science, and snack.

Friday, August 8th

Friday night is our final night. Parents will drop off their children for the first hour and then rejoin us at 7pm for a family party. It will be a great night for fellowship, games, and more!

We can’t wait to share in this incredible week with you!

If registering after July 18th, participants are not guaranteed a t-shirt.

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