We have opportunities for all ages to grow and thrive in God’s truth.
The best way to grow with your Perry Hall Baptist Church family is to join a life group.
Life groups include community groups, bible studies, discipleship groups, or a ministry team. We have community groups that meet around the area on various nights throughout the week. We also offer bible studies during the week and on Sunday mornings.

Men’s Ministry
We believe that the gospel calls men out of passivity and into a place of leadership in the areas of influence that God has given them. We gather on the first Saturday of every month from 8:00 – 9:30 AM in the Refinery building to encourage each other and fill our bellies alongside other men chasing after the Christ-centered life.
We have several weekday opportunities for men who want to grow deeper roots in Jesus. Please contact our discipleship coordinator, Mark Thayer (, to help you find the right fit.
Women’s Ministry
As followers of Christ, we believe in the importance of being women of the Word. We design our Women’s Ministry program to help women grow in godliness and link arms together as sisters in Christ. There are weekly Bible studies, discipleship groups (small format), and prayer opportunities for women at Perry Hall Baptist throughout the week. Please contact our women’s ministry coordinator, Kim Slone (, to help you find the right fit.
We meet monthly as a large group in the Refinery building to encourage each other and laugh together, fostering vibrant relationships with other women as we dive into the scriptures. You can find details for monthly gatherings on the events page.